(808) 883-9221
If you are calling outside of business hours, an answering service will take the call and relay it to the appropriate supervisor or manager.
Customer Service
General: (877) 886-7784
Kukio Maintenance Facility: (808) 325-3844
Pukalani Waste Water Plant: (808) 661-4510
Ka’anapali Field Office: (808) 883-2046
Hawaii Water: (808) 883-2064
Ka’anapali Field Office: (808) 662-0785
Kukio Maintenance Facility: (808) 325-3004.
Payments (must include payment stub)
Hawaii Water Service
PO Box 30450
Honolulu, HI 96820-0450
Other correspondence
Hawaii Water Service
P.O. Box 384809
Waikoloa, HI 96738
Ka’anapali Field Office
P.O. Box 13220
Lahaina, HI 96761