How can I save water in my home?

Water is a precious, essential resource. Although our population continues to grow, Earth’s supply of potable water does not. Using water wisely is not only essential, it’s easy to do. By saving a little here and a little there, you might be able to reduce your water usage by hundreds of gallons a month, and that’s good for you and for your community!

A Water-Friendly House, Inside…

Is your toilet a water hog? Replacing an old 3½- to 8-gallon-per-flush toilet with a new 1.28-gallon-per-flush (or less) high-efficiency model could save thousands of gallons per year. If you’d rather not buy a new toilet, you can put a brick or some other displacement device in the tank to reduce the amount of water in each flush.

Do you have a leaky faucet? A little drip may not seem like much, but a faucet that drips just five times a minute may be wasting more than 200 gallons of water a year.

Do you leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth? Turn it off to save 70 gallons per month or more. You can also install water-saving faucet aerators to further reduce your faucet water use.

Do you like long showers? Even if you already have a high-efficiency showerhead, every minute you shorten your shower can save up to 75 gallons per month.

Do you have an old washing machine? A high-efficiency clothes washer may use half the water and energy that a traditional washer uses. And don’t forget to only run full loads (in your dishwasher, too)!

…and Out

How “green” is your garden? By using native plants — plants that are used to our climate — you may be able to reduce your outdoor water use significantly.

Does your lawn need watering? A good way to check is to just step on the grass. If it springs right back up, you may not need to turn on the sprinklers. When it’s time to water, do it at dawn or dusk to reduce evaporation.

Have you checked your sprinkler system lately? A sprinkler system can waste water if sprinkler heads are broken, automatic timers are not adjusted for rain, or hidden leaks are not detected.

Can you avoid getting out the garden hose? A hose can use 10 gallons of water per minute. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean patios, walkways, and driveways.

Got a suggestion for avoiding water waste? Send it to us!