
Pay Stations

Hawaii Water bills may be paid at a Western Union pay station. A $2 Western Union service charge will be applied. Please notify the Customer Service Center if you are paying an overdue bill at the pay station.

Pay Stations (requires payment stub)

Western Union at Foodland Lahaina #22
878 Front Street #6B
Lahaina, HI 96761

Western Union at Foodland Pukalani #24
55 Pukalani Street
Pukalani, HI 96768

Automatic Payment Service (APS)

What is APS or Auto-Pay?

APS (also known as Auto-Pay) is a fast and reliable way to pay your utility bill. When you use APS, you authorize Hawaii Water to collect payment for your utility bill directly from your checking account. (Savings account deductions are only available through Bank of America.)

What are the benefits of Hawaii Water’s APS Payment?

You save time because there are no checks to write. You save money by avoiding the cost of mailing. You can be assured your utility bill will be paid in full and on time even if you are away from home. With APS, you still receive a paper bill that shows the withdrawal date and amount.

Can I set up Auto-Pay to be deducted from a credit card?

APS payments can only be deducted from your bank checking or Bank of America savings account. Pending Hawaii Public Utilities Commission approval, customers will soon have the option to pay via credit card by calling a toll-free automated payment phone number.

How much will APS cost me?

Automatic payment is a service provided by Hawaii Water at no charge to our customers.

How will I know the amount of the payment and when will I be debited?

When you receive your utility bill in the mail, you will see a message on your bill stating that you’re on automatic payment, the dollar amount, and when the payment will be applied. Example: Automatic payment of $79.95 will be applied on 4/5/2012.  Debiting of your checking or savings account will be 10 calendar days from the billing date for the full amount of your utility bill.

What if I think my bill is incorrect?

For questions concerning the accuracy of your utility bills, contact the Hawaii Water Customer Center as soon as you receive your utility bill. Every effort will be made to make any necessary corrections before the due date.

How do I enroll?

To enroll, please complete the application form. The form is also available by contacting the Hawaii Water Customer Center at (808) 883-2046 or toll-free (877) 886-7784. Complete the form, attach a voided check (if deducting from checking account), and bring it to the Hawaii Water Customer Center at 68-1845 Waikoloa Road, Unit 216, or mail it to P.O. Box 384809, Waikoloa, HI 96738.

How do I discontinue APS service with Hawaii Water?

You can discontinue your APS arrangement at any time by writing or calling the Hawaii Water Customer Center. For telephone cancellations, please have your Hawaii Water bill available for verification.

Automatic Payment Service Policies

  1. All applications for automatic payment must be made on a Hawaii Water Automatic Payment Service Application Form.
  2. A separate form must be submitted for each account.
  3. All applications for payment from a checking account must include a voided, blank check to insure the accuracy of customer’s checking account routing and account numbers.
  4. Customers will be charged $10 for automatic payments rejected by the banking institution of the customer’s account.
  5. The customer is responsible for notifying Hawaii Water of changes in bank account information. When bank account information changes, the customer is also responsible for completing a new application form and submitting a new voided, blank check.
  6. Hawaii Water reserves the right to deny any application or cancel current automatic payment arrangements with any customer without penalty.

Payment Options

At Hawaii Water Service, we are always seeking ways to improve service for you, our valued customers. We are pleased to offer a number of convenient payment options.

Online Payment Portal

Hawaii Water’s online payment portal offers two ways to pay your bill:

  • Payment by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover) or debit card, or from a designated bank account. (American Express card not accepted)
  • Automatic payments

Pay by Phone

To pay your Hawaii Water bill over the phone using your bank account or Visa (credit or debit), MasterCard (credit or debit), or Discover card, call (888) 598-9826 (toll-free).


With our Automatic Payment Service (APS), your monthly bill is automatically paid using a designated bank account.

Pay by Mail

You can mail your payment stub and check to:

P.O. Box 30450
Honolulu, HI 96820-0450

Pay Stations

Western Union Pay Stations are available in some locations.

Customer Center

Envelopes with a payment stub and a cash or check payment may be put in the door slot at the Hawaii Water Customer Center:

68-1845 Waikoloa Road
Unit 216
Waikoloa, Hawaii

High Bills

If you have an unusually high Hawaii Water bill, you can conduct a water audit to see where the problem may be. To perform an audit, check the following:

Residential Customers

  • Is your water meter moving?
  • Are there any dripping faucets? Thirty drips per minute adds up to approximately 15 gallons per day.
  • Do you have a leaking toilet?
  • Is there a leaking irrigation valve?
  • Do you have a sprinkler system? If so, is it on a timer? Is the timer operating correctly?
  • Were you gone for any number of days during the month in question? If so, did somebody take care of your plants or animals for you?
  • Do you have a water softener? Is it the recycling type? Is it operating correctly?
  • Do you have an under-the-sink filter system? Is it operating correctly?
  • Does the handle on your toilet have to be jiggled to make the water stop running?
  • Do you have a hot tub or pool? If so, have you adjusted the float arm lately?
  • Did you have your fire sprinkler system maintained?
  • Have you repaired any leaking faucets, water heaters, etc., lately?
  • Is there a recycling hot water unit? Is it operating correctly?
  • Are there any wet spots on the lawn or inside the home on walls, ceilings, etc.?
  • If you are a commercial customer (restaurant, convenience store, etc.), do you have a purifying water machine, “serve yourself” machine, or soft drink machine that might need repair or has experienced unusually high usage?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you may have found the source of your unusual water usage. Investigate further.

Check for Hidden Leaks

Make sure that water is not slipping away due to undetected leaks in your system. To check for household leaks, turn off the water inside and outside your home. Observe the test hand (depicted at right in red); if it moves, there is water pushing through the meter, indicating a leak. To locate a leak, try:

  • Looking for wet spots that could indicate a leak in the pipe between the meter and the home or the sprinkler system.
  • Dropping a dye tablet in the toilet tank. Don’t flush. If colored water appears in the bowl, the toilet leaks.
  • Using these indoor and outdoor tips to identify leaks.

What should I do if my bill seems higher than usual?

The most common reason for a high bill is a household leak. To find out if you have a household leak, make sure all the water inside and outside of the house has been turned off. Go out to your water meter (usually located near the street in front of the home) and check to see if any of the dials on the meter are moving. If the dials are moving, you may have a household leak. Most often, household leaks are associated with toilets or faucets. You should also check the pipe between the meter and your house, sprinkler system timer, water softener, water heater, and water filtration unit. If everything seems to be in order, or you need assistance, please Contact Us. We’re here to help.

Water meter dial